Chameleon Labs


Strategy / Logo rework / Website design


Chameleon Labs / Dental


North Carolina, USA

Chameleon dental labs brand uplift

Dental practitioners often grapple with the challenge of offering full-arch solutions. The high cost, inefficient workflows in ordering and creating these solutions, extended time consumption, and the looming potential for complications pose significant barriers. Balancing financial objectives with patients’ needs becomes an uphill task under such circumstances.

Addressing this pain point, I had the privilege of working with Chameleon Labs to reposition their brand, a forward-thinking entity that has pioneered an optimal digital workflow. This workflow is dedicated to designing and producing premium full-arch solutions tailored for dental practitioners. My role involved creating a sleek, user-friendly website and a striking new logo for the brand.

The novel approach deployed by Chameleon Labs drastically curtails the time required for these complex procedures and mitigates the scope for human error, thus enabling dentists to enhance profitability.

The five guiding words help maintain Chameleon Labs’ brand’s direction.

In our conversations about the brand’s vision and repositioning strategy, we concluded that streamlining the descriptor from “Chameleon Digital Dental Labs” to “Chameleon Labs” would better align with the brand’s evolved identity. This decision was also supported because they were already recognized as an advanced dental lab, so the simplification would maintain brand understanding.

This concise naming also provided a visual advantage, enabling us to design a more potent logo. We reimagined the type design to gracefully incorporate these changes, resulting in a logo that embodies the brand’s progress and streamlined approach.

We revamped Chameleon Labs’ existing website to reflect the changes integrated into the brand’s identity and positioning. The website’s primary objective was to effectively showcase the affordability of the Lab’s products. However, it was crucial that this focus on cost-efficiency did not diminish the brand’s high-quality, upscale image.

To this end, we meticulously balanced design elements to portray an image that was both high-end and accessible. The resulting website seamlessly married the notion of value for money with a premium aesthetic, capturing the essence of Chameleon Labs’ redefined strategy.